All about the Princess

It’s been a while since I have written anything on the personal side and thought this would be a good time to dote on our daughter Aniah, whose middle name is actually Princess. Thus, the title of this piece.

Aniah, now a bit over two years old, is daddy’s little Princess for sure. She is beginning to understand the concept of manipulation as is common in a two-year-old. I have to confess; I give in way more often than my wife when Aniah is demanding. Could it be, being a bit older than most fathers with a two-year-old at 53? Sometimes I feel like I treat her more like my grandchild than my child. I am working on the giving in part, as I know that really is not good for her, as it could lead to her gaining a sense of entitlement. It is tough not to dote on my daughter, but when I do, at times it may be a bit much. I think the excessive doting may come from the losses our premature babies, Antonio, Josiah, and Baby Arentz.

It is such an incredible experience watching her vocabulary grow by a few words each day, and gaining independence and confidence in her daily activities. She loves to paint, draw, play with her stuffed animals and watch her educational videos on the Roku channel.

Aniah is growing fast and in September was ranked in the 93rd percentile in height. Amanda and I believe she inherits that from Amanda’s father and mother as they are both tall. My mother said, “Aniah is Aniah, and will be who she is going to be.” Mothers always have a way with keeping us grounded though.

I am excited for when she is a bit older and it would be appropriate to take her on my excursions to cover a story. Excited to share the miles and miles of the Driftless area, its natural beauty and endless stories it holds. It is important to me to expose her to as much of the big world out there as possible, in hopes that will increase her curiosity and drive to explore.

I would be remiss not to include some (lol) of my favorite pictures of the Princess, and a short video of Aniah’s first six months in this world.

I will continue to share shorts like this one, not only about daddy’s little Princess, but other glimpses into my journey on our great Earth. For now, it’s all about the Princess.

Be well.

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