Five New Trout Anglers Were Born Today

Five New Trout Anglers Were Born Today

I typically fish upstream. I often park my SUV at the bottom of my trout fishing water and walk back to it after fishing. I have met many a country folk on the way back to the vehicle. I usually chit chat a little with the friendly folks along the way on my sometimes long walk back to my vehicle.

Today was a long fishing day for me. I was in a good mood because of all of my luck and success on stream. I was slowly working my way back to my starting spot when I came upon a house whose owners I had spoken to in the past. I remember the folks as a large Mennonite family.

Dad was in the yard raking the driveway and there were four barefoot little ones running around the yards. All were fair-haired. Three little girls were in different colored long dresses. Their ages I guess ranged from 3 to 6 years old. There was one little boy about 7 years old. The minute I started talking to their dad they all came to see what we were talking about.

They were all very quiet and respectful as we adults talked. Dad asked me if I caught any fish and I told him about my luck. All of the children looked at each other simultaneously and their eyes were as big as saucers and they had huge smiles. Dad saw their reactions and said: "I have been promising them that I would take them fishing. I even bought a rod and reel but we haven't found the time. “The father asked me the laws on him tying on lures and hooks for his kids. I gave him the run down on the trout regulations. The father had never been fishing before and didn't know how to clean trout. That was my cue to speak up. I had two nice browns in my creel. I asked the crew if they wanted to learn how to clean trout?

We went into the yard and opened my creel by the outdoor spigot. The kids were excited but quiet when they saw the two 18-inch trout I had in there. Dad was amazed that the stream right out his front door held such big trout. I got out my scissors from my vest. I was going to show dad how to clean a trout. I went step by step slowly. The dad told his kids to get close and watch how to clean trout because if he was taking them fishing, they needed to know how to clean them.

It was like dejavu for me. I flashed back to when I was five years old and cleaned my first trout. I was surrounded by my 5 sisters as I completed the task. These young ones were so quiet and respectful it was like going back in time. There was no screaming or pushing and I was certain they had no hand- held computer nonsense. Outside entertained them just like it did me and my sisters many years ago.

I took out the other trout and looked at the kids and asked: "Which of you are going to clean this trout?" There was not fighting about who was going to do it. The eldest of the four stepped up and cleaned that trout just as well as I did.

I looked at dad and asked if they would like a couple of freshly cleaned trout? He responded right away with a yes. I told him how to prepare them. All three of the little fair-haired girls were captivated with my directions. The father told me the girls had already had cooking lessons from their mother.


The dad thanked me and off I walked. Two minutes later I saw him pull up with his vehicle and he offered me a ride to my auto. We talked on the way and I told him a couple places in the area that his kids could catch some trout easily. Before dad could leave, I gave him four panther martins for each of his kids and some size 8 eagle claws and some split shots. Five new anglers were born today. Four young ones and one dad.

For more of Len’s work visit;, Small Streams Trout Monsters Club, or

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