The Root of Healing: a reflection

The Root of Healing: a reflection

A couple weeks ago, I went to Echo Valley Farm in Ontario, Wisconsin, for a class called The Root of Healing. Based on the event's description, I had an idea of what would happen, but didn't know how much of an eye-opener it would be.

First of all, I got to continue to build a good relationship with my mother in law, because I invited her to go with me for the weekend-long event.

There was a lot that crossed my mind during this time and I learned a lot about myself. The teachings of this class, in my opinion, had to come from within oneself. We were just guided in the way the learning was done.

A majority of the teachings came from traditional Chinese medicine and indigenous ways of healing. Western medicine, which we were all familiar with, focuses more on technique. This is not always necessary when it comes to the root of healing.

I'm not telling you exactly what we did in this class, because it could be interpreted differently by each participant. I think we all got something different out of the experience. For me, it was a very relaxing experience physically, but mentally and emotionally it was harder, but in a good way.

I believe in order for one to figure out what the root of healing is, they would need to experience a class like this for themselves.

For more information on Echo Valley Farm and future events, follow them on Facebook or visit their website.

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