

A figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in old boots and an aged angler)

I researched them for at least 3 weeks.  I looked at reviews of them online.  I asked friends what kinds of boots they had and liked.  They needed Gore-Tex liners because they are my trout fishing boots. The soles needed to be flexible to handle frozen banks and slippery muddy banks.  They could not be rigid.  They had to handle all seasons.  A thick pair of socks for the cold and a thin pair for warmer days needed to fit comfortably inside... They needed to be durable with good tread. The ankle support and comfort were right there at the top of the list. They need to be sturdy and dependable.

Red Wing "Irish Setters"

I found a pair but they were a reddish color. They were a little expensive and I was not fond of the color.  The color could be changed I thought.  These redwing boots checked all the boxes except for color.  The first thing I did was dye them dark brown and polish them.

They were the most comfortable boots I had ever worn right out of the box.  As the years passed, they got even more comfortable.  The color faded and they needed polishing often but they are wonderful boots.

This morning after all the rain in the area I had absolutely no where to fish.  I decided to get out those old comfortable boots and clean them off.  I tried them on before any fussing over them.  They felt like slippers. I examined them and they are still viable and can do the job. They have aged and have scratches from barbed wire fences. They have seen many miles and thousands of trout. They are not brand new anymore but they have stood the test of time.

I took a stiff brush and water and cleaned the boots.  Next off I am going to get some saddle soap and give the leather a couple more years to them and soften it up. Dark brown dye and dark brown polish will be next.  My army days of spit shining boots will be up next.  I will make them look new again and then.... I will wear them on the trout stream and get them all muddy and wet again.

Ain't life grand?

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