That time of year…for some

That time of year…for some

While the holidays may seem fun for some, for others it may be the worst time of the year. Some do not have family or friends to celebrate with, and some may not even celebrate what many refer to as the winter holidays.

For others, Seasonal Affective Disorder may be in full swing. This may occur when changes in weather and less hours of sunlight can affect a person’s mood, causing excessive tiredness, loss of interest in doing things, and downright feeling like crap.

Now is a good time to check with family and friends who may not have anyone to turn to for socialization and support. You want to make sure that they feel loved and cared for.

You never know what a person is going through unless you are in their shoes. Not everyone talks about their problems or feelings, and you just may make a person’s day by giving them a call, text, email, or snail mail.

The winter months are also an important time to check on the elderly and disabled. The seasons intense cold usually is a big concern for them when they try to go out and do things. At times, conditions may be icy and lead to debilitating falls, that could be extra dangerous if no one is around to render immediate aid.

From our family at, we send our readers good feelings for a joyful New Year.

Pictured is Amanda holding Tom, our outdoor cat that we took in when he was all beat up and homeless. All living beings deserve to be loved and cared for.

Update: That photo was three years ago. The updated photo shows Tom in his 5000 lb. glory. He leads a life of leisure and has, as you can see, a more than hearty appetite.

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