The Angels

Almost three years ago, I received a gift of three glass angels in a little treasure box.

My husband Paul was covering the Kickapoo Valley Reserve's Winterfest for his previous employer. He had met up with his freelance photographer Karen Rynes at the event, and to his surprise, she gave him this special gift for me.

Prior to him covering the Winterfest, we had recently lost our second son, Josiah Francis (our son Antonio Bryant was buried three years prior). I had always wondered why I was given these three angels, when I only had two. I never really mentioned anything about it because I was grateful for this special gift. The reason for three angels was revealed to me in October 2019 when we lost Baby Arentz. We were beyond devastated.

After arriving home from the event, Paul gave me this gift, and explained to me how Karen, a multiple time cancer survivor, was gifted these angels the first time she was diagnosed with cancer. Karen said the angels and poem that came with them, helped her through very difficult and trying times. Now, she wanted me to have these angels. I cried. How could someone who doesn't even know me, want me to have something of hers to comfort me?

The poem inside the box reads:

Your Worry Box- This box is for your worries, The aches within your heart. A place to tuck away your fears, Where love and hope can start. So keep this box beside you, And know how much they care, For when you need peace and joy The Angels will be there.

I understand how this little poem relates to her worrying about cancer returning, or Karen not making it through the healing process. I also understand why she wanted me to have it- so I wouldn’t worry about the babies that I lost, and wouldn’t worry about it happening again. I’m not even sure she knew the whole background of what happened with Antonio at the time of gifting this to me.

Whenever I am sad, I remember I have these angels: the three glass ones and the three looking down on me from heaven. I know they are the reason why we have our rainbow baby Aniah Princess Arentz. I believe my little angels, Antonio, Josiah, and Baby Arentz spoke to God on our behalf.

Maybe one day, I will gift the angels to someone else who is going through a rough time and who may need these angels as a source of comfort and strength.

Editor’s note: The day this was written 12/17/2020 was the 5th anniversary of Antonio’s passing.

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